Tuesday 27 September 2011

Sept. 27, 2011 - Power Word Analysis

"Each dead child coiled, a white serpent"
The word serpent is an excellent use of association for when one generally thinks of a serpent, they think of a terrifying, slimy, cold hearted creatures. The contrast for the word "serpent" would be that they made it a metaphor, because people aren't usually compared to something such as a serpent unless used in negative terms.
There is a reference to another meaning outside of the poem, because the poem isn't about serpents they just used the serpent to compare the dead little children.
The imagery with the "serpent" would be that the poet is comparing these dead children to white serpents.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

September 14, 2011 - Creative Writing

***** not done yet

Also one of my ALL TIME favourites: NOX ARCANA!!!!
I love every single wingle one of their songs!

Sunday 11 September 2011


About me: I'm 15 years old, on October 25 I'll be 16. I work at Boston Pizza in Goderich as a Hostess and I looooove to dance. Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I go to the dance studio in Lucknow. I'm on the competitive team which means I go away some weekends to competitions! I'm a social person, I like spending time with friends whenever I can.

I've always liked reading, but I'm pretty picky about the books I read. It has to be something adventurous and I like fiction books most. Music is a huge part in my life, I listen to pretty much every style of music. My favourite singer would be Josh Groban, I've went to see him in concert before and it was INCREDIBLE! That's really the only concert I've ever been to.

I haven't traveled very much, I've been to Jamaica and Cuba but I have a list of places that I'd love to visit! :
Halong Bay in Vietnam, JeJu Island in Korea, Amazon Rain Forest and Iguazu Falls in South America, Sundarbans River in Bangladesh, Maldives Islands in South India, Great Barrier Reef in New Zealand, Uluru Rock Australia in Australia, Dead Sea in Israel, Angel Falls in Venezuala, Table Mountain in South Africa, Black Forest in the UK, Bay of Fundy in the USA, Bu Tinah Island in Dhabi, Masurian Lake in Poland, El Yunque Carribean National Forest in Puerto Rico, Cliffs of Moher in Ireland, Vesuvius Volcano in Italy, and last but not least I'd like to go to Las Vegas. Just for the experience. I really like the idea of travelling lots, so I hope that's something I accomplish as I grow up!

One of my biggest weaknesses would be procrastinating, because I get distracted very easily! I'd love to do all my homework and complete all things that I've started but I always put it off until last minute and then I'm always rushed and never get it done! I'm an organized person though, I like things to have a place and be in that place so that I know exactly where everything is! I don't watch a lot of tv, instead I like to watch Disney Movies. Yes.

My goal for this class would be to reach an average of 80% because I've always liked reading and writting, I like being creative with my writting and not having any certain rules about what I have to write. In order to get an average of 80% I'm going to really try to do all my assignments to the best of my abilities and do all my homework and hand it in on time. I'll try and keep up with my blog and always pay attention in class. I really hate falling behind in class so I'm going to really make sure I'm always in class on time and really try to focus!

Overall I look forward to English class, I think it's going to be fabulous!

Wednesday 7 September 2011


This is definitely one of my favourite books that I've read so far, it has 544 pages and there isn't one boring part!

This book starts off on October 1891 with 17 year old Leonie and her brother Anatole abandon on the streets of Paris for the Domaine de la Cade. The two kids stumble across a Visigoth sepulchre - with a mystery written in blood. Leonie discovers a unique deck of tarot cards that are rumoured to hold the powers of life and death.

The second part of the book takes place at a later date, on October 2007. Meredith Martin is doing research for a biography of the composer Claude Debussy she carries with her a haunting piece of piano music and a sepia photograph and she suddenly finds herself dealing with a tragic love, a missing girl, an unquiet soul, and the strange change of events more than a century ago.

Something that I thought was really interesting about the book was that in the back of it, it actually has the sheet music for the haunting piano music that Meredith has in the back of the book!

This book is written by Kate Mosse!

To learn more about Kate Mosse you can visit her website!

Johnny Depp

“My self-image it still isn’t that alright. No matter how famous I am, no matter how many people go to see my movies, I still have the idea that I’m that pale no-hoper that I used to be. A pale no-hoper that happens to be a little lucky now. Tomorrow it’ll be all over, then I’ll have to go back to selling pens again.” - Johnny Depp

I find Johnny Depp very inspirational, and I love every movie that he's in! He's such a talented actor in the way that he can make the audience believe that he is feeling a certain emotion, or that he is somebody completely different from who he really is.

CLICK HERE for a Johnny Depp fan site!

“If you catch me saying ‘I am a serious actor,’ I beg you to slap me.” - Johnny Depp

“People say I make strange choices, but they’re not strange for me. My sickness is that I’m fascinated by human behavior, by what’s underneath the surface, by the worlds inside people.” - Johnny Depp

Alice In Wonderland

My all-time favourite movie in the whole entire world would be the 1951 cartoon, Alice In Wonderland. Ever since I was a little kid I've always loved this movie! It's so strange and makes very little sense, but that's why I like it so much!

Wonderful tunes for your heart, wonderful thrills for your eyes...


Josh Groban is a very talented multi-instrumentalist. He plays piano, drums, washboard, marimbas, saw, triple-necked electric guitar, flugelhorn, dulcimer, and has incredible vocals. Not only is he extremely talented, but he's also a very nice and funny guy!

Here's a video of him singing Kanye West's tweets!

CLICK HERE to get to Josh Groban's official website!!