Wednesday 7 September 2011

Johnny Depp

“My self-image it still isn’t that alright. No matter how famous I am, no matter how many people go to see my movies, I still have the idea that I’m that pale no-hoper that I used to be. A pale no-hoper that happens to be a little lucky now. Tomorrow it’ll be all over, then I’ll have to go back to selling pens again.” - Johnny Depp

I find Johnny Depp very inspirational, and I love every movie that he's in! He's such a talented actor in the way that he can make the audience believe that he is feeling a certain emotion, or that he is somebody completely different from who he really is.

CLICK HERE for a Johnny Depp fan site!

“If you catch me saying ‘I am a serious actor,’ I beg you to slap me.” - Johnny Depp

“People say I make strange choices, but they’re not strange for me. My sickness is that I’m fascinated by human behavior, by what’s underneath the surface, by the worlds inside people.” - Johnny Depp

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