Monday 7 November 2011

FAKE ESSAY SKELETON - Mr Lobb is actually a great guy.

Thesis: My argument I'm going to express would be the fact that Mr. Lobb is a bad influence on his young angel-like students.

*AoD#1 - Lobb is a vicious man.
- He is very intelligent, but he takes advantage of the fact and uses it for evil.
- He lacks compassion. "I don't care about you!"
- He is dangerously aggressive.
- Abnormal behaviour during and after school hours (acts like a domestic animal)
Possibly due to untreated anxiety. He should learn to control all sensations as they erupt through his body, and keep his 'cool'.

*AoD#2 - Lobb supports manipulation
- Encourages mind games
- November 7, 2:48pm: "You need to manipulate everyone around you!" -R.Lobb
- Finds joy in controlling other peoples minds
- Uses all possible manipulated variables which may be used in phyco control loops
For Lobb I would suggest a website such as this one.

*AoD#3 - Lobb is a Tragic Hero
- Considered a character of "Greatness", has higher authority
- He has problems that we understand
- He has flaws, which will eventually bring him to his doom
- His students will learn from his mistakes
- Tragedies come from two areas 1)His height of greatness to depth of loss 2) the realization that he knows what happened and can't do anything about it
There really is no logical solution for this. Mr. R. Lobb is in a pickle.

1 comment:

  1. Nice.

    You've got the structure down pat, and you've convinced me to seek help.

