Wednesday 16 November 2011

MACBETH - Essay Skeleton

THESIS: Lady Macbeth is Evil.

AoD#1 - Lady Macbeth is power-hungry:
- gets ideas in her head about murdering the King as soon as she reads Macbeth's letter about the witches predicting the future
- calls on evil spirits to make her ruthless, "make thick my blood" - "unsex me here"
- she is the main instigator
- wants king dead just so she can become Queen
- ends up becoming a victim of her own ambition

AoD#2 - Lady Macbeth is manipulative:
- she makes a plan to kill the King, and convinces Macbeth that it's a good idea, "But screw your courage to the sticking-place, and we'll not fail."
- assures him that if they act deeply hurt, and as if they are shocked about the murder; they will not get caught
- she ridicules his masculinity because he has second thoughts of going on with the murder
- tricked Macbeth into thinking that by killing the King, would bring them happiness

AoD#3 - Lady is responsible for Macbeth's downfall:
- She convinces him to kill their king, and disturb the natural order of things. Because of this, he starts realizing that he is truly evil now.
- she commits suicide which causes Macbeth to deal with more death, "Why should I play the roman fool and die on my own sword." She gets him considering suicide also.
- When she takes the bloody daggers from Macbeth after he had just murdered the king because she tries to show how he's weak and she is stronger, which makes him feel guilty and terrified.
- Lady Macbeth's guilt is proven by all the nightmares she has had and by her always washing her hands just goes to show Macbeth that she feels guilty also. This would emotionally attack Macbeth, questioning what he has done. They both are mad now.

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