Tuesday 4 October 2011

The Leap - Characterization of the Mother

The mother in the story is described as graceful and quiet because the narrator says she never bumps into anything and she's always very aware of her surroundings. She isn't the slightest bit clumsy. She is a pretty stereotypical old woman; quiet, organized, graceful and caring. I feel like she is being used to symbolize something such as peace because she is is never worked up and I think her actions make her a very delicate woman just because everything she does is very gentle. Her personality seems to also be very shy, because the narrator doesn't talk very much and when she does talk, she's incredibly kind. The narrator doesn't talk about the mother's thoughts and feelings so as a reader I get the idea that she keeps to herself. She also doesn't interact with many people because she is so timid and shy, therefor the over all characterization of the mother would be a very quiet, kind and gentle lady.

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