Tuesday 4 October 2011

Twins - Questions


1.It has been said that a good detective writer is always honest with the reader. How does Eric Wright provide his readers with clues to the outcome of the story?
Erica Wright was really tricky when he wrote this because it gives you clues on the outcome throughout the whole story, which isn't easy to do! Starting with the wife trying to guess her husbands was plotting. That put emphasis on the fact that he was up to something that she that she would soon have to be involved with and that it would cause conflict later on. Then it turns out that the crime in his books almost matched their lives perfectly, and it talked about how they didn't have to change much in order to do this crime. Eric Wright did an incredible job on giving the reader an outlook on how the story was going to end.

3. In medias res is a Latin phrase meaning "in the middle of things." Explain how the term can be applied to the opening of this story and evaluate the author's choice in employing this technique.
"In medias res" can be applied to the opening of this story because at the beginning of the story the husband and his wife are sitting on a mine shaft arguing about one another which adds conflict to the story, so just as the story begins the reader is put into the middle of an argument between the two characters.

4. Describe the difference in narrative style between the two parts of the story. Determine why the author chose each style and the effectiveness of each.
In the first part of the story the narrative style foreshadows on what the rest of the story is going to be about because it starts off with the husband telling his wife all about his plot and so as a reader you get a better understanding if there will be conflict, what the conflict could be about, the imagery, the setting, the plot, and just the whole summary of the story. By the wife firing questions about the husbands "plans" the reader starts to wonder if his ideas are the best ideas, and that's where you start to see conflict happening between characters. The second part of the story has a different narrative style from the first, in this part the wife finds out that everything the husband has been talking about was actually what he was planning on doing. The two different narrative styles is what really gave the story that twist which helps give that "detective writer" a chance to be "honest" with the reader.

1 comment:

  1. All your short story work is just awesome here. Very well done! Impressed! Exclamation marks!
