Wednesday 26 October 2011

MACBETH - Act 2, Scene 3

Beelzebub - one of the devils
Porter - an old man
Equivocator - a liar
french hose - french pants
second cock - rooster
obscure bird - owl
lechery - lust
Gorgan - turns people to stone

- all the things that have happened make it seem like they're in hell
- Macduff is a mirror of Macbeth
- Porter talks about alcohol and makes dirty jokes
- Macduff is in a bad mood
- Macduff asks to see the king, Macbeth takes him there
- they heard crying last night and screams of death
- "we are the centre and the Earth reflects us"
- they find the dead king, are in shock and think it's terrible
- woman are 'too weak' but little does Macduff know that she had something to do with the killing of the king
- everyone begins to find out that the king was killed
- secret is well-concealed; hint of witchcraft
- Malcolm and Donalbain think they're going to be killed next; they assume everyone will think that it was them that killed the king so they must leave and trust no one and think they are safer far away

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