Tuesday 25 October 2011

MACBETH - Act 1, Scene 1

Pathetic Fallacy - weather mirrors character emotions and tone of scene- simplistic? Maybe now, but it's used all the time
Witches - evil, women of power and threatening.
- they were real in the 1600's, the King was obsessed with witchcraft
- linked with nature and weather and spells and controls others
- linked with health, body, creatures and plants
- warts, crooked nose, one eye larger, straggly hair, claw-like hands
- could be attractive to be seen as powerful or dangerous or to be able to manipulate
Hurly burly - a big commotion, mainly in battle
Ere - before
Graymalkin - a cat
Paddock - frog/toad
Anon - in a short amount of time
Familiars - animals used/held by servants of the dark; cats, toads, snakes, etc.

- body form and physical attributes were linked with mental and emotional attributes
- ugliness might mean evil
- malformation might mean evil
- witches are a huge factor in this play, they set the scene off the top and continue to have power and effect
- p.39, spell sets entire play in motion; they're reversing the rules or an inversion spell turning good to evil (keep an eye out for other inversions)

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