Wednesday 26 October 2011

MACBETH - Act 2, Scene 2

Hath -
Hark - "What was that?"
Bellman - someone paid to ring bell outside prison
Possets - hot drinks of milk with wine, sugar, eggs, spices
Brainsickly - "brain disease" Machbeth applies to Lady Macbeth
Confounds - defeats

- Lady Macbeth uses alcohol for braveness, she's drunk and paranoid now
- Guilt is making her drink, guilt is proof that she's not crazy or not 100% evil
- Lady Macbeth claims she couldn't kill the king because he looked like her dad, but he really didn't, she was just too nervous to kill him.. excuses, excuses.
- guilt and fear stop her from killing the king
- Macbeth couldn't pray because he has sinned and is now separated from God
- foreshadowing going crazy; gone against all natural orders
- Lady Macbeth takes daggers and whips blood onto the groomsmen to frame him
- it's not easy to kill someone, and hard to kill someone inside you
- Macbeth already regrets doing it; he feels terrible

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