Sunday 30 October 2011

MACBETH - mr lobb is gone for 3 days!

3a) In act two Macbeth attempts to get Banquo's support by telling him that he has not thought of the 3 witches since they ran into them in the forest. Banquo responds by agreeing to talk about them later.

3b) Lady Macbeth and Macbeth act differently about the kings death because Macbeth was the one who actually murdered the king so he is feeling guilty about his doings, where as Lady Macbeth doesn't seem like she cares very much at all.

3c) In act one you get the idea that the king is a very kind man who is well respected. He thanks the two generals and the generals profess their loyalty and gratitude towards the king. Duncan is thought of as a great leader.

3d) Lady Macbeth responds to Macbeth's letter by calling him weak and she gets upset with him because he is second guessing the plan to murder the king.

4a) Macbeth's motivation appears to be coming from Lady Macbeth because she is a female who is saying that she isn't even scared and is acting more brave than Macbeth is at this point. The reason this could be what's given Macbeth all the confidence is because back then women weren't treated with respect; they were useless and meant nothing and here's this huge knight, Macbeth, who is frightened of doing something a girl says she's willing to do.

4b) "Fair is foul and fould is fair." REVERSALS:
* 'So foul and fair a day I have not seen.' - Macbeth

4c) The Tragic Death of Our King

King Duncan, Thane of Fife, was said to have been recently murdered. This is a huge shock to all of us due to the fact that Duncan was a loving, and caring man. He treated everybody with respect and got the respect he deserved. Nobody saw this coming, everybody loved our king! He was as worthy and trusted as all the leaders combined, he was the leader of our community for 10 years, chosen by our creator.
King Duncan was found murdered in the home that belonged to his very own nobleman, Macbeth, and his wife, Lady Macbeth, early one morning. Nobody in the castle said to have heard any cries of pain, shouts of fright, or sounds of death. Only the shriek of the earth. The natural order of things has been destroyed. He had been killed surrounded by all of his loved ones.
Two main suspects to the terrible death were the King's guards who had been outside his room all night long, who said did not hear even the slightest sound of dying come from Duncan's room during all hours of the night. General Banquo and other witnesses said that there was no poison in the dinner, the dinner was fine and that Duncan was having a wonderful evening. Duncan had even announced that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were the best hosts he could ask for. As soon as the night had come to an end, the King retired right off to bed.
Macduff was the one who found our Kings body the next morning. Our king had been slaughtered. Everyone else in the castle was said to have been sound asleep. Keep Duncan in your thoughts and prayers, and his royal legacy may live on.

1 comment:

  1. A little more detail and content in your answers here would improve, as well as including the news article, which would show your creativity with the material.

    Level 3-
