Tuesday 4 October 2011

Wings Chips - setting

The setting is a huge part in understanding the plot in this story, because the setting is described as an old and simple town and also a French Canadian community. By gathering the knowledge of what these times may have looked like you can get a better idea, as a reader, where this story is going with the plot and you can understand more concepts. Since there is a second culture/language added to the story there is clearly going to be some conflict with communication and getting along well with neighbors. As you read on you soon figure out that in fact there is a huge conflict with the Wings Chips sign being French rather than English on it. This causes a lot of tension in the whole area. Without the understanding that they are in a small community where everybody knows everybody, and being in a French Canadian place; you wouldn't quite figure out why changing the language on the Wings Chips sign is such a dramatic change.

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